In der Woche vom 28.1. – 2.02.2018 fand der  Schikurs wie schon in den vergangenen Jahren in Wagrain statt. In unserem altbekannten Quartier  „Jugendhotel Aicher“ fühlten sich die  Schülerinnen und Schüler der 2. und 3. Klassen wie immer wohl, und mit viel Eifer wurde an der Verbesserung des Könnens auf den Schiern gearbeitet. Neben dem Schifahren  gab es ein abwechslungsreiches Alternativprogramm wie z.B. eine Fackelwanderung, ein Discoabend,  Ballspiele, Tischtennis und andere Aktivitäten.

Eine für alle Beteiligten schöne und gelungene Wintersportwoche!

Winter Sports Week in Wagrain/Flachau

On January 28th the second and the third classes from our school were on a skiing course in Wagrain.

We stayed at the youth hotel “Aicher”. We had nice weather every day, but on Thursday the weather was not so good. It was snowing. The rooms there were clean and nice. Usually we had lunch at our hotel, but sometimes we stayed at the slopes at midday. Then we got a packed lunch from the hotel and had our lunch in ski lodges. After dinner we could do a lot of different activities. For example, soccer, table tennis or do gymnastics. On the first evening we had a walk with torches. One evening we went snow tubing and another evening we went swimming. Dancing in the disco was great fun too. The food at the hotel was very delicious.

On Friday morning we left our hotel in Wagrain. Unfortunately the time passed very quickly. We think about going back next year.

Jana H., Joshua H., 2k


Zimski športski tajedan NSŠ Sv. Mihalj

Od 28.1 do 2.2.2018. su školarice i školari drugih i trećih razredov bili na skijaškom tečaju u Wagrainu.

Mi smo bili zadiljeni u pet različne grupe. Jedna školarica se je vozila snowboardom. Gospe Hajszan i Lendl kao i gospodini Siegl, Holzinger i Osztovits su bili snami. Gospodin Osztovits je diozeo po prvi put.

U četvrtoj i petoj grupi su bili zadiljeni početniki, koji su se po prvi put skijali. U trećoj grupi su bili školari, koji su se zadnje ljeto učili skijati. U prvoj i drugoj grupi su bili naši „profiji“.
Prvi dan smo pišačili s bakljami. Svaki dan smo imali večerni program. Ponediljak smo bili voziti „Snowtubing“. To je bilo jako veselo. Utorak smo se zabavljali u športskoj dvorani. Onde smo se igrali nogomet i takozvanu igru „sve“. U srijedu smo išli svi u disko. To je bilo jako zabavno i veselo. Puno smo tancali. U četvrtak smo se kupali i plivali.

Zimski športski tajedan je bio jako veseo ali nažalost pre kratak. Svi školari se jur veselu na dojduće ljeto!

Linda i Miriam, 3k