Jason and Dave, two native speakers from the UK and South Africa, came to MS St. Michael to do an English project week. The aim of the week was to get the students talking and to have a lot of fun! During the week they played word games, cooked in the kitchen, played sport, worked on a presentation and of course spoke English all of the time.
“We had a great week working with the students and are looking forward to the next time,” Jason said.

Die Schüler*innen der vierten Klassen waren den ganzen Vormittag gefordert Englisch zu sprechen, da der Unterricht ausschließlich in englischer Sprache erfolgte. Interessante Themen boten ihnen die Möglichkeit, in ein Sprachbad einzutauchen und so die Sprachkenntnisse zu vertiefen.
Eine tolle Sache!

Here are some impressions …